Visit Everglades City and the Ten Thousand Islands of Southwest Florida, the Everglades

Lady Gators 2024 Champs

Everglades City

The Lady Gators dominated at the 2024 Golden Eagles Freshman Tournament. With four consecutive games and no breaks, they battled their way to victory.

In Game 1, Everglades beat Naples High 25-17 and 25-14. Game 2 was a tough fight, but the Gators took down Barron Collier in three sets: 20-25, 25-13, and 15-7. Game 3 saw a commanding win over Aubrey Rodgers, 25-8 and 25-11, leaving the Lady Gators undefeated for the day. They capped it off in Game 4 by defeating Naples Classical 25-10 and 25-6.

Everglades City emerged as the 2024 Naples High Freshman Volleyball Tournament Champions! It was a fantastic day for Gator volleyball. Go Gators!

EVG Varsity Volleyball
2024-10-14T13:15:45-04:00October 18, 2024|School|

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