Visit Everglades City and the Ten Thousand Islands of Southwest Florida, the Everglades

Mayors Annual Fish Fry

Everglades City

On May 11 at 5 PM, McLeod Park was alive with community spirit as Everglades City held the Mayor’s Annual Fish Fry. This beloved event celebrated our Sheriff’s Department, Firefighters, EMS, and Veterans.

The Everglades City Lions Club served up a fantastic meal of fresh fish and all the fixings, adding to the warm and welcoming atmosphere. Friends and neighbors gathered to enjoy the delicious food and show their appreciation for the brave men and women who keep our community safe.

A highlight of the evening was the special flag cake. The event was a big success, bringing everyone together and reinforcing the strong bonds within our community.

Photos Courtesy of Kevin & Helen Bryan

Photos Courtesy of Denise Wauters

2024-05-29T13:41:34-04:00June 5, 2024|Community|

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