Everglades City
by Michael McComas, Everglades City Council
At the January 2nd meeting Mayor Grimm swore in Councilman Parker Oglesby for a 2 year term. The first item of business was the acceptance of the resignation of Councilman Josh Minton who cited personal circumstances in his resignation letter.
The financial statement was received and approved and as always the statement can be obtained by members of the public by written request. Upon second reading, ordinances relating to commercial signs and floodplain were passed. An agreement was approved to have Florida Rural Water Association provide independent services to inventory lead lines which is now required by the Environmental Protection Agency. A resolution to amend grant procedures was tabled until the February meeting.
Tony Pernas reminded council and the public that a public workshop with the US Corps of Engineers on the dredging of the Barron River will be held on February 1st at 6PM in council chambers, Councilman Pernas also commented on the agreement with Greg Jarrett to dewater the spoil from the dredging on the acreage he owns next to the airport.
Councilwoman Wells asked council to consider retaining a firm to perform permitting and building inspections, Mayor Grimm suggested that each council member receive contact information so they could do research and have questions answered. City Attorney Lombardo made a comment about the financial disclosure transition from Form 1 to Form 6 and reminded council members that he was available to answer questions personally.
The next City Council meeting Tuesday February 6.