Where do I pick up a copy of the Mullet Rapper?
Visit our Newsstand page to see all the locations that host the Mullet Rapper.
The fee waiver for the fee free days applies only to entrance fees and does not cover amenity or user fees for camping, boat launches, transportation, special tours, or other activities.
The 22nd Annual Romp in the Swamp fishing tournament Fishing and weight in Sept 28.
We will have food, cake contest, mullet toss contest, adult beverages and live entertainment.
On the last Saturday of each month, First Baptist Church of Everglades City will have a “Praise Night” with a light supper at 6:30 pm, followed by praise music and fellowship.
A member of Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart’s team will be at Everglades City Hall.
City Council meetings are held every 1st Tuesday of the month @ 7 PM in the City Council room, 2nd floor City Hall.
Food is distributed from the rear of Everglades Community Church located at 101 S. Copeland Ave., Everglades City.
Collier County Public Schools have no classes today. See the
Ladies Coffee is a casual weekly gathering for women every Thursday at different local breakfast spots or homes.
Food is distributed from the rear of Everglades Community Church located at 101 S. Copeland Ave., Everglades City.
Ladies Coffee is a casual weekly gathering for women every Thursday at different local breakfast spots or homes.
P&Z Board meetings are held monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. City Council room, 2nd floor City Hall.